Not Sure
Well-known member
btw.... be thankful we have snow making. Imagine what it was like back in 1981. And I'm looking forward to some spring like conditions this w/e and getting giddy that Kmart blew alot of snow. Should have some fun times skiing in slush bumps.
I'm a bit slow but isn't that average is increasing?
All the hype over green house gas trapping sunlight ? The heat comes from millions of barrels of oil being burned daily not the C02 being created. Not too many people will trade there car for a bicycle so it's good politics to create a system to milk IE cap and trade . They can only tax fuel so much.
Lots of heat also comes from Parking lots, cars, dark roofs , basically anything that absorbs sunlight at a greater rate that trees or grass.
My other hobby is flying Sailplanes and they rely on rising air to stay aloft . Often times I head for these areas and can climb at 500' -1000' per minute . So if you want to help the cause paint your roof white, use a dash reflector in your car. Whatever you can do to prevent the sun from being absorbed. But buying C02 as primary cause of AGW is falling for a line.