New member
i should have let some beer bets come filtering in before hitting the reply button, but here goes any ways. ok, start counting after the colon:When skiing the first time with someone do you have to show them what you have in the tank, first one down the hill, shine in the bumps, first out of the woods, never admit you could use a rest?
I’m somewhat like that although I’ve mellowed with age. It’s not like I’ll challenge someone to a race to the bottom, but I won’t let someone upstage me either (unless they’re just better, if which case there’s nothing I can do about it).
In a nutshell I always try to bring my A game when skiing with someone new. Lots of people say they don’t care, just skiing for the joy of it etc., all good stuff, but I guess I’m kinda competitive.
I’m not a jerk about it and I hope people don’t take it that way. I think most people think I’m OK company on the trail.
in all aspects of life, i am generally competetive without losing site of the bigger picture. mostly, i feel a lot of self competition in seeing how far i can push myself. i measure myself against others in the ski world but don't feel i am directly "competing" with other skiers. immitation is the highest form of flattery after all, and good technique is largely immitation. so i am competitive but don't compete against other skiers.
i used to race. back then, yes it was a competition to see who was fastest to get to the bottom of the hill. i could care less how fast people ski now a days, i have no need for speed and don't compete against other skiers for fastest to the bottom of the hill. i would much rather be the last one down so every one can wait at the bottom and watch me gracefully descend.
quite frankly, i do like to show off what i consider to be good technique, so when skiing with others, yes.... i bring my A game and work the turns a little more than i normally would. i make it a point to get out in front of the pack at least a few times to milk some nice looking turns, but it isn't like i am obsessed, just enjoying putting on a good display of technique. i have always been a performer (mostly in musical events), so that aspect of my personality is pretty much set. but it isn't a competition thing. i'll be the first to tell someone they are making some nice turns and i will also be the first to acknowledge when a superior skier skis by me and look to see what i can learn.
i think i am derailing the topic slightly by comparing competition compared to showmanship. i enjoy an audience but i don't do so with an attitude, and i think that can be the main issue with either competitiveness or showmanship.
i think i was over HPDs word estimate. who's buying because of that, i have no idea.