Well-known member
Ok, basic stuff here. A some genes have the ability to code for molecules that make proteins. The mRNA vaccines cause our bodies to make the proteins that code for the spike proteins synonymous for COVID for which then our bodies then make the protective antibodies for. Gene therapy may be a very broad term used here, but it's still in the ball park of having our bodies make a specific protein.Nice job totally dodging my questions. Extra points for the whataboutism encore too.
I conceded the man knows a lot and is very accomplished in my first comment on him. You know what? Lots of people have illustrious careers that oddly go south. Sidney Powell was once considered a rock star attorney. Does that opinion amongst her peers remain today? Probably not. Her integrity took a backseat to an agenda.
So, I'll ask again:
Do you think a MD should be referring to MRNA vaccines as Gene Therapy and broadcasting that false statement through multiple media outlets?
What's his motivation for misrepresenting the facts there?
Here's one more....
Are these the typical behaviors of a professional scientist?
Is he misrepresenting the facts or is it the media and the Pharmaceutical industry, with great financial ties to the vaccines trying to misrepresent him for their own benefit? And do remember that the Pharmaceutical industry has petitioned the FDA for legal liability protection from potential side effects from these vaccines for over a 50yr time frame. We are likely going to agree to disagree on this one DHS
Are his behaviors atypical of a scientist? Well frankly aren't scientists supposed to ask questions and challenge hypotheses until they can be verified by colleagues all over the globe in similar experiments as part of the scientific method where some hypotheses are found to be scientific truth and others false?
And I am sure you will try and take this apart, but here you go on Dr Malone's role in the development of mRNA inter mixed with various points he brought up during his 3hr Rogan interview, since I am guessing that many commenting in this thread haven't listened to it in its entirety, if at all. And seeing how the text of it has been now entered into the Congressional Record, various fact checking agencies can't interject their opinions on his actual words if cited

Humanity's whistleblower â Dr. Robert Malone sounds the alarm
The Chief Architect of mRNA platform technology is blowing the whistle on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. And if he is correct, we are all in grave danger â and 16,000