I think it's largely a result of ASC gasping for increased skier visits to boost the sale prices of it's resorts with the bargain basement pass prices of the last several years.
Hey, I like free too.
This final brilliant play by doomed ASC may have damaged margins for ski areas (at least here in the east) for years to come. People won't pay prices that are needed to maintain operations and upkeep. Sure, with all the big buyouts in the past months there is an infusion of cash. Alot of folks are pretty happy right now.
Let's talk in 5 years when the big buyouts/marketing booms die down. That's when the rubber will hit the road. These resorts will either be owned by other companies who have even more grave financial issues to deal with, or skiers will be paying alot more for season passes.
Or they won't operate at all.
Remember, it wasn't too long ago that gas cost $1.50 a gallon.