The lowest priced condo currently on the market is $900k. There was at least one for sub $700 that was on recently. My brother tried getting me to buy it.Cranmore is having a real tough time selling the $700K condos.....
CA$H buyer (for 2 townhouses) doubted Cranmore would have enough coverage in 10 years.
Sad but True...
The real estate market feels like it's finally softening in MWV and where I am in CT. This sounds like a convenient excuse to hide behind rather than a legitimate concern. Despite the recent warm winters, Cranmore has been doing a good early season vs. when I grew up skiing MWV in the 90s/00s. They also closed at least a week earlier than snow would allow due to lack of traffic this spring. They have the infrastructure and will to get open around Thanksgiving and stay open through the end of March.